
Categorizing yarns, into two types-staple and filament, sometimes becomes challenging to distinguish. We can classify yarn based on different segments like size, type, durability, and whatnot. Yarns, being the continuous structure of organized fibers, affects fabric in a series of process. In this context, we will know about Staple Yarn Vs Filament Yarn. Before that let's know what is staple yarn.

What is Staple Yarn?

Fiber which tends to be experimental and limited in length refers to as Staple Fiber or spun yarn. Such yarns create fibers in a short length by attaching a lot of fibers.

It is a continuous process of overlapping fibers. All fibers, except for silk, come from natural sources like- wool, linen, and cotton. To create a staple yarn, artificial fibers are cut into a length that favors the staple fiber’s length size.

Most of cases, fibers are bound by an S or Z twist. In the case of S-twist, threads go up and left. In the case of Z twist, threads go up and to the right. There can be a single or many types of fibers in a process. In such processes, there is much-needed spinning to create the exact staple yarn.

Cotton-System Filament Yarn

In this yarn system, cotton fabrics tend to be smoother and finely combed. With spikes together, fibers are gone through rollers. After that, there is a step named opening and cleaning where trash is being removed. Then, in the carding phase, we pass the fibers through some wires to align them.

The entire process simply relates to the wool fibers spinning system. For staple yarn, manufacturers use the ring spinning method mostly. This method is relatively slow and not inexpensive. To twist staple yarns, manufacturers use the open-end spinning method. In this method, an air stream carries fibers into a rotor spinning section. So these two manufacturing methods- air-jet spinning, and friction spinning, both work as significant tools to create staple yarn in a better, finer size.

Features of Staple Yarn

  • Comparatively Hairy and less shiny.
  • Soft yet rough-to-touch.
  • The accumulated fiber forms on the fabric’s surface.
  • Cotton staple yarn is widely used as cotton blended.
  • Wool yarns tend to be bulky.
  • Wearisome appearance.
  • Does not slip away.
  • It has better hygroscopic properties.

Polyester Staple Fiber

There is another type of staple fiber named polyester staple fiber which is short in length up to 10 centimeters. We can obtain this fiber by spinning the polyester into a two & cutting method through the PET method (Polyethylene terephthalate). This type of staple fiber is popularly used for wool and weaving.

What is Filament Yarn?

Filament yarns are fibers that remain constant and endlessly grouped. Filaments, before use, are twisted at a TPM and TPI level. Most of the filament yarns that we use today are synthetic fibers with a need for proper texture and modification. Filaments can be artificial (synthetic-Nylon) and natural (silk alike). In filament yarn, fibers are long and natural. Manufacturers combine the filament fibers in a way where the bundle transfers to tow segments, and the desired length at the end of the process.

Types of Filament Yarn:

You may find 2 categories of filament yarn. These are monofilament and multi-filament. Here, monofilament possesses only a single-stranded filament. Whereas multi-filament has more than two-stranded filament. We can find multifilament yarn in both twisted and flat appearances.

Features of Filament Yarn:

  • Slippery in nature.
  • Less durable.
  • Infinite length of fibers.
  • Measurement type: Yard or Meter.

The Difference between Staple Yarn vs Filament Yarn

We can differentiate between staple yarn vs filament yarn based on composition, manufacturing, fabric structure, and performance. Before that, we must understand yarn and fabric. In most cases, people remain perplexed about yarn and fabric. Well, yarn is a material composed of fibers to make fabrics. So, fiber is a part and parcel of the manufacturing of fabrics.

Here, We have figured out for you the difference between the staple yarn and filament yarn in the following table:

The topic of the Differences

Staple Yarn

Filament Yarn

Length of the Fibers

Short length fibers 


(35 ~ 150 mm)

Long length fibers

Fabric Materials

Cotton and wool; can be synthetic (Polyester, acrylic)

Silk (natural); Synthetic (Polyester, Nylon)


Dull and Rough

Smooth and Glossy


These yarns are Absorbent

The absorbency depends on the fiber content

Permeable to Moisture

Moisture absorbent

Moisture absorbent

Manufacturing Process

Complex manufacturing process

Comparatively easy manufacturing process than Staple yarn

The amount of Twist

Staple yarn requires multiple amounts of twist

Filament yarn requires twisting either low or high


Low elongation at the break

Comparatively higher elongation

Nature of Elastic Recovery

Poor elastic recovery

High elastic recovery


Better Breathability 



Poor breathability


Not a very durable one

This yarn has high durability

Fabric Surface

Fibers, being twisted together, form a yarn by making the fabric surface hairy.

The dozens of filaments are woven together to make the surface look gleaming.

Coverage & Transparency


Small coverage and bigger transparency.

Yarn Count

The system of Weight (per) unit length

Mostly in Denier (D)


Less snagging

More Snagging

Use of pills

Tend to pill more

Tend to pill less

Staple Yarn vs Filament Yarn 

Final Thoughts

Staple yarn goes through a series of complex manufacturing processes. Whereas filament yarn tends to run through an easier process involving synthetic materials. The major difference, by which we can identify staple yarn and filament yarn, is the length of the fibers. Staple yarn, with short lengths, and filament yarn, with long lengths, create snagging. But it depends on the fiber manufacturing. Both yarns contribute a lot to making clothes in the textile industry stage.




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Mohammad Mahedi Hasan

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Mahedi Hasan, a Textile Engineer, as well as a Top Rated content writer at Upwork, Level 02 Seller at Fiverr, Level 02 Publisher at Ezoic. A passionate textile ad fashion content writer, fashion SEO expert, and fashion web designer. Having a B.Sc. in Textile Engineering from Textile Engineering College, Noakhali (TECN). Department is Apparel Engineering. Highly Experienced fashion writer for the last 3+ yrs. Established Textile Details Website website to enhance professional Fashion Blogging skills. 

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