Velvet fabric is really an amazing fabric that is widely applied in the textile industry. As it has become more inexpensive and adaptable, this wonderful fabric has grown in popularity. Different types of velvet fabric are now composed mainly of synthetic as well as natural materials, while it was once manufactured entirely of silk.
Velvet fabric is available in different types, and those fabrics offer various exclusive features. Every type of velvet fabric has individual useability. This article is going to discuss everything about Velvet fabric, including the types of Velvet. Continue reading this article if you are interested in this popular fabric.
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What is Velvet?
Velvet is a kind of pile weave fabric in three-dimensional structures with a silky texture that has been produced for about 4,000 years. Velvet is a luxurious and soft fabric that is prominently woven into an extra set of warp or weft yarns into the ground yarns. This extra yarn makes loops, which then cut ends to make the fabric's surface soft with a smooth nap. Because it takes more thread and several stages to make than other textiles, it has traditionally been considered a premium cloth.
Velvet may be created out of any thread, although it was initially made out of silk, which made it much more expensive. Cotton and synthetic materials have been employed in the production of Velvet in the modern period. This one-of-a-kind cloth is still one of the smoothest, softest artificial fabrics ever created.
Velvet fabric has good softness as well as traceability features. These characteristics make this fabric suited for applications where the cloth is near the skin. Velvet is far more common in women's apparel than in men's clothes. Velvet is often used in beds because of its softness. Intimate clothing, furniture, and other applications frequently use Velvet.
There are many differences between Velvet Fabric and Velour Fabric. Check it out.
What is Velvet made of?
Velvet is woven on a double cloth loom, creating a couple of pieces of Velvet simultaneously. Velvet is prominent by its uniform pile height compared with fewer than half a cm. There are different types of velvet fabric available, and they are produced from different materials.
Velvet is now composed mainly of synthetic and also natural materials, while it was once manufactured entirely of silk. Pure silk velvet fabric is exceedingly rare today due to its high cost. The majority of Velvet labeled as silk velvet contains both silks and rayon. Polyester, nylon, viscose, and rayon are all examples of synthetic Velvet.
Different Types of Velvet Fabrics
Velvet is one of the most popular fabrics in the textile industry. This fabric is available in different types. Each and every type of velvet fabric has individual features and functionalities. Let's take a look at different types of velvet fabrics.
1. Crushed Velvet
Crushed Velvet has a "crushed" appearance that is obtained by twisting while it is still wet or compressing the pile in several directions. The crushed appearance is often achieved by pushing the pile in an opposite path. This Velvet has a highly lustrous look and feels, making it ideal for draped and flowing fabrics. This kind of Velvet is used to manufacture dresses, upholstery, and crafts.
2. Embossed Velvet
Embossed Velvet is another popular type of velvet fabric. It is a kind of printed fabric that is manufactured through a heat stamp. To apply more pressure to the Velvet, a heat stamp is employed. Words, logos, or other forms are embossed into this sort of Velvet. Embossed Velvet is used to manufacture different upholstery applications.
3. Chiffon velvet
Chiffon velvet is a kind of lightweight velvet fabric. Because of its thin texture, this Velvet is commonly referred to as "transparent velvet." This kind of velvet fabric has good drape ability features. This ultra-sheer Velvet is frequently used in formal as well as evening clothing. Chiffon velvet has a lengthy lifespan, especially if it is made from high-quality materials.
4. Panne Velvet
Panne velvet is a unique form of crushed Velvet. A similar pattern may be found in knit textiles such as velour, which is composed of polyester and is therefore not natural Velvet. This Velvet has a woven basis rather than a non-woven base. Polyester is frequently used to make them. Panne is now more commonly used to denote Velvet which has a bunched look.
5. Rayon and Silk Velvet
Rayon velvet and silk velvet are almost similar in the quality of their velvet fabrics. Both two types of velvet fabric come with excellent drape ability features. Silk fabric is an excellently smooth fabric that has a luxurious appearance. On the other hand, Rayon fabric does now shine like silk velvet, but it is more affordable than silk velvet. These two velvet fabrics are not suitable for iron and dry wash.
6. Hammered Velvet
Hammered velvet fabric has a very shiny, dappled, and slightly crushed appearance. These forms of velvet fabric have a crushed as well as dappled texture thanks to the 'hammering' method. This Velvet has been tightly pressed or broken rather than crushed, making it one of the glossiest. The final fabric has a speckled appearance and is suggestive of a plush, warm animal coat.
7. Plain Velvet
This type of Velvet fabric is manufactured using cotton and this velvet does not have enough elasticity. It's a hefty cloth that's not very lustrous. Plain velvet is an ideal option for newbie sewers since it is made of cotton. It's a thicker velvet that doesn't stretch much. It lacks the lustrous sheen of Velvet, which is created from synthetic fibers as well as silk.
8. Stretch Velvet
Stretch Velvet is indeed a knit velvet fabric with a smooth 4-way stretch and a soft feel. Because it includes spandex, stretch velvet has the flexibility to it. The cloth is stretchy and flexible, thanks to the addition of spandex to the weave. The first important thing to remember about stretch velvet fabric is that it's a napped, directional fabric.
9. Lyons velvet
Velvet of this sort is substantially denser than other types of fabric. As a result, a stiff cloth is created, suited for various outerwear applications. It was originally produced from silk fabrics in the French city of Lyon. Lyons velvet is among the most opulent outerwear fabrics available, from coats to headgear.
Wrap Up
Velvet is a luxurious, elegant fabric prominent by a rich pile of uniformly cutting threads using a smooth nap. Due to the features of the tiny pile fibers, Velvet has a beautiful drape and an exceptionally soft and lustrous look. Velvet with an adhesive back can be used for crafts or even as a collar decoration. Cloaks, sportswear, soft furnishings, and women's clothes are made from velvet fabric. If you want to start a new project with a piece of excellent fabric, then you should consider Velvet.
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